Advanced Search: Time
InGrid-Portal is able to search for the time references of the connected systems. For this, on the one hand, the data are used that the Semantic Network Service (SNS) of the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) has analysed from the web pages as time references. On the other hand, the time references in the databases are accessed.
Temporal Search
As a time reference you can either give a time frame (From/To) or a point in time (On the). In both cases the format for giving the date is DD.MM.YYYY, that is two figures for the Day, two for the Month and four for the Year.
Expansion of search interval
Basically all pieces of information are always found if their time reference is within the search intervals you have entered. By crossing boxes you can also find information to which the following apply:
- The time reference of the results intersects the search interval entered..
- The time reference of the results encloses the search interval entered.