Advanced search for Laws

Search terms

In this area you can add one or more terms to your search in a targeted manner by linking them with one of the following options:

all search terms (AND): a piece of information will be found if it contains all the terms entered (standard).

one of the search terms (OR): a piece of information will be found if it contains at least one of the terms entered.

the exact search string:a piece of information will be found if it contains exactly the word group entered (in the same sequence, with spaces etc.).

none of the search terms: a piece of information will only be found if it contains none of the terms entered.


You can add specialist terms to your search via the specialist dictionary. For this you enter any term into the entry field and send a query to the thesaurus ab.

You then receive a series of similar terms, which you can add to the search term or by linking them you can further specify your search term.

Search-Area – Federation/Federal States

The data on offer in InGrid-Portal stems from the authorities and closely associated organisations in the Federation and the Federal States of the Federal Republic of Germany. You can limit the range to the Federation or individual Federal States. Selecting several options is possible.

The Federation as well as most Federal States have several data providers. These are displayed if you click on the plus sign. Instead of the Federal Republic or a Land it is also possible to select individual providers. In this case it is also possible to select several providers.