In July 2022 we mapped the tidal area of the Elbe near Cuxhaven and Brunsbüttel. The data was gathered by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) with a RBG camera and a PDGNSS-Rover (Precice Differential Global Navigation Satellite System) in three areas: 1) Otterndorf at low tidal level (beach area), 2) Neufelderkoog at low tidal level (wadden area), 3) Neufeld at high tidal level (flooded reed area). For each area we provide a digital orthophoto and the correlation of the measurement timing to the local sea level. The measurements were obtained at the same time as the radar satellite Sentinel 1 crossed the area. The data is structured in three zip-archives corresponding to the study areas: 1) provides the time series data as comma-separated text files (CSV) provides (a) a digital orthophoto at 1,5 cm resolution, (b) an overview jpg showing of the measurement times and the local sea level, (c) timing of the UAV-flightlines and (d) two PDGNSS measurement series collected simultaneously as csv. (downloadable as 10.4 GB zip archive), 2) provides (a) a digital orthophoto at 2 cm resolution and (b) an overview jpg showing of the measurement times and the local sea level (downloadable as 6,3 GB zip archive), 3) provides (a) a digital orthophoto at 2 cm resolution and (b) an overview jpg showing of the measurement times and the local sea level (downloadable as 8,4 GB zip archive). The data is used in the frame of the project "satellite based water-land-boundary detection" (Sat-Land-Fluss), as validation for Sentinel-1 derived water-land determinations. Sat-Land-Fluss was a R&D project lasting from 2020-2024, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport in the 4th project call "National Copernicus Application" (50EW2015).
Lage der Geodaten (in WGS84)
SW Länge/Breite | NO Länge/Breite | |
8.78°/53.82° | 9.05°/53.96° |
Koordinatensystem |
Verweise und Downloads
Weitere Verweise (2)
Download of data
Download of data
Final report of the project Sat-Land-Fluss (in German) Schlussbericht des FuE Projektes Sat-Land Fluss (BfG-Berichtsnr wurde noch nicht vergeben)
Nutzungsbedingungen |
Creative Commons Namensnennung – 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Quellenvermerk: Mechernich, S., Gessler, B., Jansen, T., Brehm, T., Baschek, B., 2025: Digital Orthophotos and water-land-boundaries at the Elbe eastuary (Germany), July 2022, Sat-Land-Fluss-project [Data set]. Zenodo. Dieser Datensatz kann gemäß der Lizenz "Creative Commons Namensnennung – 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" ( genutzt werden. |
Zugriffsbeschränkungen |
Es gelten keine Bedingungen. |
Informationen zum Datensatz
Identifikator | |
Bodenauflösung |
1.50 cm |