In the InGrid-Portal rubric maps you can select diverse web map services (WMS) relevant to the environment. The map services can be combined and viewed in the InGrid-Portal map viewer. On the left site you can add services and view the legend of activated map layers. With the button you can collapse the left site and enlarge the map window. Clicking the button
, the list of map services and providers will be displayed again.
Add Web Map Services
Several WMS from Federation and German Federal State level are already integrated in the InGrid-Portal map viewer. These services are listet on the left site (flag services) provider-sorted (flag provider) as well as topic-sorted (flag topics). In order to activate one of these services, please click on a service and press afterwords the Add service button . The single layers of all active services (flag active services) are shown in the map viewer by activating the check box in front of the layer
You can add a WMS:
- from the provider list
- from the topic list
- from the research result list
by entering a valid GetCapabilities URL (click the Add service button
Tab Provider
Under the flag Provider you will find the map services relevant for environment and environment related information belonging to different data provider from Federation and German Federal States. To add a map service from the provider list,
- click (left mouse button) the tab Provider
- click on the cross to the left of the required folder
- click one of the map services
click the button Add service
All map services and associated layers found under Active services can be activated or de-activated by clicking on the check box. You can displace highlighted services upwards or downwards by simple drag and drop.
Tab Topics
Under the flag Topics you will find various map services of the Federation and Federal States sorted according to environment topics, which can be loaded into the InGrid-Portal map viewer. To add a map service from the topic list,
- click (left mouse button) the tab Topics
- click on the cross to the left of the required topic folder
- click one of the map services
click the button Add service
Dienst hinzufügen
All map services found under Active Services can be activated or de-activated by one click on the check box. You can displace highlighted services upwards or downwards by simple drag and drop.
Tab Search
Under Search you can search for map services which are listed under the flags provider and topics or in the connected data catalogues (e.g. environmental data catalogues UDKs). Enter a search term and click the button Search. From the result list please click on one of the services and press afterwords the Add service button to activate the service.
Add External Services
External services are services which are not integrated in InGrid-Portal. In order to add an external service, please switch to the flag Active services and click on the Add service button , a new window will open. Enter the GetCapabilities URL of the new service and select (by using the check box) whether you want to activate the layer of the service straight away and whether you want to zoom in to the map section of the service directly. Click afterwards the Add service button.
Toolbar in the table of content
Add service: Under the tabs Provider, Topics and Search results you can add the highlighted service to the map viewer. You can also use this button to add an external service by entering the GetCapabilities URL. Added services will be listed under the tab Active services.
Remote service:
Delete a selected service from the current map viewer.
Apply layer transparency using the slider control. First select a layer before making transparency changes.
Display information (metadata) about selected map services or layers.
Expand/Collaps all:
Open and close all layers in the tree structure by one click.
Zoom to layer or service extend:
Zoom to a layer’s or service’s visible area.
Delete Search results:
Delete search results in the hit list.
Features in the map window:
- In the top left corner: Navigation controls (zoom in, zoom out, move the map view).
- In the lower left corner: Scale bar and coordinates. The values represent the current x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the mouse pointer position in the map.
- In the top right corner: By one click on the arrow next to the Extended Preferences button you can change the spatial references and scale.
- In the lower right corner: By one click on the arrow, the overview map will be hidden/shown.
Toolbar above the map window
Object information:
Provides layer specific information. A click on the map reveals all available information for that location in a new window. Sometimes providers don’t offer specific information for every layer. In this case, no results are displayed in the feature info window.
Allows you to go back to the last map section.
Allows you to go foward to the next map section. This action can be performed as many times as the Back action was executed previously.
Zoom to initial map:
By clicking on this button the zoom is restored to the start extend of the map.
Measure Tool:
Measure distance or area on the map. Activate the required check box to measure distance or area. Click on the map to set the starting point for your measurement. Click again to set further points or double click to finish the measuerment. The final distance / area is displayed in the window.
Print the current map to pfd. You can set the resolution, scale and rotation of the map and in addition insert a title and comment.
Open an existing map (Access to this feature requires a personal account). This menu item is only active when you are logged in with a InGrid-Portal account ( and you’ve already saved a map. See Save map.
The visible map section is saved. This menu item is only active when you are logged in with a InGrid-Portal account ( See Save map.
Save map as WMC document:
The visible map section is saved as WMC (Web Map Context), an XML based format.
In the tab Legend (switch on the left site from the tab Services to the tab Legend), all available legends of the map layers are depicted, which are activated under Active Services and are depicted as maps in the viewer. The legend gives information about which symbols and/or colours are used to display the different information in the map.
Save map
For saving your individually arranged maps, please do the following:
- Register with your InGrid-Portal user ID (above right in the main menu of the screen).
- Go to the map.
- Click on the button Save
(toolbar above the map window).
- Stored maps can be deleted using the Delete button
By clicking on the button Load
alle stored maps are displayed in a list. To load a map, please select an entry and click on the botton Load.
Tips for handling maps
You have added a map and activated the layers, but you can’t see any data?
Some layers are only displayed at certain scales. The layers are displayed, when the scale of the current map view and the layer scale match. Otherwise the names of the layers are greyed out (flag active services) and the data are not drawn. You can make the data visible by zooming into the map or by using the feature Zoom to service or layer extend .
Navigating the map
You can navigate in the map by moving the red rectangle in the overview map located in the lower right of the map viewer. Or you can pan the map by pressing the CTRL key and dragging with the left mouse key.
Zoom in the map
Instead of using the navigation controls to zoom in the map, hold the Shift key and drag a zoom box on the map with the left mouse key.
Can I choose different scale levels?
You can determine different scale levels by expanding the dialogue window Extended Preferences.
A top layer overlapps information of underlying layers
When several layers are activated, some layer information may be overlapped. You can add transparency to the top layer to see the underlying layers. Click the layer you want to appear transparent and use the button layer transparency to adjust the transparency by the slider bar.