Search result list
Search result list
After submitting a search query you will receive the result list. The result list is structured in three areas. The main result list can be found in the page centre. On the left hand site you will find results ordered by categories and on the right hand site results from broader data sources.
Within the left column the results are sorted by categories. In brackets you will find the number of results within the current category. With a click on one of the categories the current results will be shown in the main result list. Different categories can be combined by activating corresponding checkboxes. Click on the button More to see further categories. Click on the button Delete all restrictions to switch of all category filters
Websites: environmental web pages
Metadata: data sets from all connected environmental data catalogues (Umweltdatenkataloge)
Map: metadata from the class geoinformation/map from all connected environmental data catalogues and map services which are provided within the InGrid-Portal-map viewer.
Law: web pages refering to environmental law
Research Projects: information refering to environmental research projects
Topics: web pages from the InGrid-Portal rubric topics.
Measure: web pages from the InGrid-Portal rubric data
Service: web pages from the InGrid-Portal rubric service
When you chose the dataype metadata, you can see the timeliness (e.g. older than 5 years or last month). The timeliness referes to the latest date of changes within the current data set.
In the category provider you can restrict your search results to one or more information provider. The provider are sorted by Federation and Federal states.
Spatial reference
In the category spatial reference you can restrict your search results to an area of interest by dragging a bounding box on the map or by geographic name.
Map search
Do the following, to limit your search query to a certain geographic area:
- Click the button Map search, a new window will open.
Click on the Select area icon
in the toolbar.
- Choose your area of interest by dragging a rectangle (bounding box) on the map.
- Finish your selection by clicking the Submit selection button.
- The result list will be limited to your selection.
Geothesaurus search
You can limit your search results also to specific locations:
- Click the button Geothesaurus search, a new window will open.
- Enter a location (e.g. city name) and click the Search button
- Choose the location you are interested in and click the Submit selection button
- The result list will be limited to your selection
Further data sources
As well as the meta- and specialist information systems incorporated in the main result list, further environment information systems are also interrogated via InGrid-Portal. The interfaces of these systems do not allow any incorporation of the search results into the weighted main results list. The search results are therefore shown in a separate list sorted according to data sources. In doing so the data sources are listed in the order of successful responses logged.
You will be guided further via the links provided either directly to the individual search results or to a search result list in the source system according to the data source.
Similar terms
InGrid-Portal offers you the possibility of expanding your search query by similar terms. For this, the search string entered by you will be analysed by the Semantic Network Service (SNS) of the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) in Dessau-Rosslau and made available to them.
If you click on the plus sign you will be offered the similar terms for each search entered. You can in turn get these displayed by means of the symbol
By putting a cross next to the individual terms and clicking on the Append to Query button, the similar terms will be added to the associated search term each time such that a document will be found if either the search term or the similar term are contained (OR linking).